Get Gorgeous While You Sleep…

A virtual one, okay?!

If my old blog design was a flat share off the Edgware Road then my new design is a country pile where I’m Lady of the Manor, but instead of a twinset and pearls I’m wearing leopard print leggings and biker boots.

After 4 years on the Blogger platform, I’ve all grow up and graduated to WordPress on a self hosted blog. It is still Juggle Mum, but new design, more real, more ‘me’.

Here is my old design…

I was the blonde cartoon in my Blogger header, juggling a baby, a small child, a cat and my business (that’s my logo’d shirt right there!) Four years on, the baby is now a full time schoolboy, we have two black cats, the girl is becoming a hormonal pre-teen (God help me!), I’m now a red-head and the business whilst still around, has made way for new interests and other ways of earning an income such as my writing.

Whilst I still love a bit of bling and leopard print (always have, always will!) I’m in a calmer place now. My hectic life has been tamed. I’ve learned how to say ‘No’, how to slow down and how to juggle with more ease. Basically, I’ve grown up!

Please do update your blogrolls if they are not automatically redirected. As I type that I don’t know who I’m talking to as I’ve never seen my URL on anyone’s blogroll! This used to upset me a little to be honest – I’d wonder why bloggers that featured on my own blogroll had not reciprocated. But over time I just thought ‘whatever Trevor’! I started blogging for me, and I continue blogging for me, so these days whilst I get ridiculously happy when I get a comment from someone, even when there are no comments, I’m proud of my work.

With this fab new design, I feel like Demi Lovato in Camp Rock. “This is real, this is me, I’m exactly who I’m supposed to be”.  Tell me what you think in the comments…

Tagged with: blog design • Blogger • • WordPress

4 Responses to I’ve Moved to a Mansion!

  1. hi Nadine, really nice to see your getting the hang of WordPress, does’nt look like you need much help from me now! I’m really happy, blog looks fab, and will look forward to seeing you on TV.

    The Tech Guy

    • Nadine says:

      Hmm- not sure about that! I am getting the hang but still have you on speed dial!!!

  2. Nadine says:

    I have also just noticed that when I exported my blog posts from my former blogging platform provider, all my comments didn’t come with it *sniff* so now I have no comments on any post!! (except this one!)

    Back to the start then!!

  3. Looking good! Hope your new home is good for you too!


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