Hi, I’m Nadine. A product review and lifestyle blogger based in Yorkshire, UK.

I’m a stay at home mum to my two children as well as being a business owner and best-selling author.  With both my son and daughter at school all day, I blog, vlog, write, create, manage, plan, strategize, pitch, organize and network from 9am to 3pm then I’m mum and home-maker again until the next day, or after they are in bed if I’m really busy.  You could say I’m a ‘professional housewife’ – I have business and home combined!

Nadine Hill, JuggleMum, BusinessmumI stretch our household finances so I can be at home to raise our children, and my priority is making memories for them whilst living the best lifestyle we can live within our budget.  Blogging helps to this end as we do loads of fun activities so I can blog about them, as well as getting the odd freebie to review or a family day out!

Before I worked for myself, I was a PR Manager for fashion, home and lifestyle brands- and spent four years in the motor industry which was great training for the cut and thrust of being self-employed.  The aspirational qualities of promoting a fashion brand alongside the bare knuckle selling environment of shifting motors  means that I have an appreciation for the beautiful whilst ‘keeping it real’ commercially.  I have an eye for the bottom line and products and services that I use have to be practically useful and attractive – I am a woman after all and we strive for perfection.

Through my blog and various writing jobs, I have a social media reach of 182,000 UVs.  I also have (almost!) 3500 direct Twitter followers and Klout says my influence marks me as a ‘Specialist’ – my content is focused around a specific industry with a focused, highly engaged audience.  My content on JuggleMum is about products and services that I use to complete the daily juggle with my work, home and family, tips and stories on how I manage a busy, varied life, projects that I’m involved in and personal blog posts that help me preserve my children’s childhood- so they can read up on things they said or what we did, without it being forgotten as we move forward through life.  If this blog were made of paper, not pixels, it would be a smart, handbag sized glossy magazine with all the best goings on and reader letters!

You can keep up with me on Twitter where I am