Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot! Happy Mothers Day, Ladies

Look at this…

This is the awesome disco ball I have just had put in my kitchen!!

Now you may think this crazy – why would anyone want a disco ball in their kitchen? Well this is ‘me’ all over! This ball represents me owning my kitchen!

You see – for years, my husband has been the chef in our house. I haven’t had much kitchen confidence which is odd given that I love eating and I have a confident personality. But in food preparation – alas, no!

It stemmed from my school days when I was overweight. I’d started to put on weight just before puberty (comfort eating – my parents were divorcing) but as I grew bigger, the taunts started. I was called “Blue Peter Belly Appeal”, “Fatso” and my all time favourite: “Last week Nadine was sunbathing on the beach and Greenpeace found her and threw her back in!” (This one was quite creative but to a teenage girl, being called a whale is not funny at the time!)

So I stopped listening in Home Economics. I didn’t want it to look like I was interested in food or cooking, so I wouldn’t get teased. And so I never learned. I didn’t know how to boil and egg or prepare a meal and I had absolutely no idea how to start to construct a meal – what to put with what!

It didn’t matter so much when Simon and I started living together. He’s always been a ‘foodie’ and he learned from his mother about making meals. My mum never loved the kitchen – making meals was a chore rather than a pleasure so I just never picked up any skills in this area. But when I became a mum myself, things changed.

It was ok for me on my own to live on beans on toast if Simon wasn’t around to make something, but when I was home all day with young children, I had to step up to the mark. It has taken a while to start to develop confidence in the kitchen, and I still fail sometimes. I’m by no means an accomplished cook, but I can now prepare a dinner from scratch, doing the vegetables, meat, potatoes, etc and getting everything ready at the same time! (This in itself was a massive hurdle for me before!)

So back to the disco ball. I have started to relax whilst I’m cooking now – I don’t need to have everything quiet and no distractions so I can concentrate! Now I enjoy some funky music whilst I cook, and I like to dance – and every dancer should have a disco ball! The kids and I love it!! We can belt out some Girls Aloud or The Saturdays, and boogie whilst we cook and have a party atmosphere! My kitchen is now ‘Mine’ – not just a place where our food is stored, waiting for Simon to come home and cook it, but it’s a room in the house where I can be as valid as any other.

Here is the ball in ‘situ’:

The disco ball is very “me”. Those who know me in person would agree that my personality is like a sparkly, glittery, larger than life disco ball! So now you know its history, join me regularly for a disco ball coffee morning on this blog, where we can have some light relief from a juggling mums day, and dance like no-one is watching!!

…… Being organised saves time, money, boosts your productivity and helps you enjoy the ‘little stuff’ of life.
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4 Responses to Disco Ball Coffee Morning – the Launch!

  1. TheMadHouse says:

    I adore this, you just show how imporatant it is to get the children into the kitchen and learn how to cook with mum. I think I would like a glitter ball too!

  2. Time Management Mum says:

    Hi Mad House!
    Honestly – it has changed my life! Get a glitter ball, they are awesome. I think mine was about 20 quid off Ebay!

  3. [...] angle of bringing music and happiness into their products. Regular readers will know all about my kitchen disco ball – it is important to be able to sing and dance when you are going about your home-making, so [...]

  4. [...] always been a competent home cook. These days I can whisk and sautee with the best of them but it wasn’t always this way. So I do like simplicity in the kitchen- food that is quick and easy to make and that will fill up [...]


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