Underage drinking is in the headlines at the moment, and as a parent, it is something that I need to get clued up about so I’m prepared for when my children start to get interested in alcohol.

It frightens me when I watch TV programmes showing teenagers getting intoxicated and unaware of what they are doing when on holidays – I have seen a few episodes of the programme “Sun, Sea and A&E” – it’s enough to make you want to lock your kids up in a room and not let them out till they are 30! Parents in the United States who are worried about their children can use this list of phone numbers.

I was interested in this video from the current Drinkaware campaign. Have a go and see what conclusion you come to…

I found it difficult when the teenager asked how old I was when I had my first drink. It is so easy to fall into that trap of saying “That has nothing to do with it, we are talking about you”, but then if I did that I’d be acting like my parents acted and I remember thinking that they don’t get it.

This campaign has really interested me. I’m glad of the opportunity to think about this issue now- well in advance of when I actually need to, so I can prepare myself for the inevitable and decide how I’m going to play it.

At the end of the day, we all try alcohol eventually, and I know that I would much rather keep the lines of communication open with my children, so they know they can come to me if they ever get into trouble, even if I still want them to be the three year olds who used to hug me with their chubby arms and talk about teddy bears.

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Drinkaware but all thoughts are my own.

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