JuggleMum has been named as a Finalist in the 2012 Brilliance in Blogging Awards run by BritMums! Here is my reaction to the news on video, along with an extra special offer for other 2012 BiB Finalists – just watch and see!

I hope you like my vlog, and on the video I show a photo that is blanched out because of the lighting in the shot, so to give you the full picture, I’ve put the photo below!

JuggleMum is a BiB (Brilliance in Blogging) Finalist 2012

JuggleMum is a BiB (Brilliance in Blogging) Finalist 2012

Tagged with: Awards •

38 Responses to Brilliance in Blogging Awards Finalist 2012 for Video!

  1. Susanna says:

    Well done! And yes there are prizes. x

  2. Nadine says:

    Ooh great! Prizes make it even more exciting!! Thanks Susanna!

  3. Hello!! Congratulations on being a Finalist!!! I am in the same category – although goodness knows how!! Some very generous people out there!! I love your vlog and really appreciate your press release offer.Sadly I do this this all anonymously so appearing in my local paper would be tempting, but probably not right for me!!
    I am looking forward to the BiB Awards and can’t wait to meet you!! Good luck and Happy Vlogging!

  4. Nadine says:

    Hi Sarah
    Congrats to you too! It should be a great night at the awards, I can’t wait to go!!
    I can see how you wouldn’t want to be in the local paper if you are an anonymous blogger – never mind, I hope other bloggers will take me up on the offer!
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Andy Grant says:

    Hi, first off congratulations on being a finalist, well deserved ny the look of your videos. Secondly thanks for your very kind offer, could I take you up on that do you think. I have been nominated in the Dads section and my wife Zoe is in the Style section, sort of a double whammy really. Anyway if I could get a copy thant would be lovely.

    All the best and good luck


  6. Nadine says:

    Hi Andy
    Well done and congrats to you and Zoe! I would be happy to send the press release to you – but with your unique situation, I’d big it up even more if I were you and let the papers know that a husband and wife team are finalists – that’s a bigger story than just one person!!
    Your info is on its way- best of luck to you. If you get a hit in the local paper, do stop by again and let me know. I’ll be thrilled if it gets results for you both!
    Warm wishes

  7. Chloe says:

    Hello! I have been wondering whether to contact any local
    papers. I am a finalist in the Snap category. The thought of that level
    Of publicity is a bit scary, but at the same time could be brilliant advertising for my new photography business. Thanks so much for offering to send the press release, my email is

    Congratulations fellow finalist!

  8. Sarah Miles says:

    What a great idea and a great vlog! Like the other Sarah, I can’t be in the local paper because of my situation (nothing exciting, just my job) but I can I ask for a copy of your press release just for information/future ref? I have NO idea about these things, so would love to read it.

    Hope to see you at Britmums Live!

  9. Love the video!!! And what a cool idea to share the press release info. You’re very kind :)

    And god luck!! x

  10. Nadine says:

    Hi Chloe, Sarah and Michelle,
    Thanks so much for your comments! I have whizzed a press release off to you for your info. Whether you use it or not!!
    It often helps to have something to copy from though doesn’t it? I find things like this useful in any case!
    Good luck at the BiBs and no doubt we’ll have to have a drink on the night!!!

  11. I am a finalist in the Change category. All publicity is good for the ol’ blog so if you can help – fabulous and thanks

  12. Hello! I’m a fellow finalist in the Inspire Category. I’d love a copy of your release to amend & send to my local paper if poss,was thinking I should really tell the (local) world. Looking forward to meeting you in June and chatting over a glass or two of something cold & alcoholic! (at least I will know what you look and sound like!) xx

  13. Karen says:

    Yay – love the video and huge congrats on being a finalist. My blog’s featured in the Change category. I need to get in touch with my local press but am totally snowed under, so this would help wonderfully in kicking me into action. So, thank you, the offer is very much appreciated and hope to meet you during the Awards Night. :)

  14. It was fab to see you at Cybher Nadine :) You’re looking HOT! Thanks for the heads up I just tweeted my local press as they are running a feature on me, I hope they can squeeze this in ;)

  15. Nadine says:

    Phew! What a day of sending out press releases! I am SOOOO glad you guys are taking me up on it! It’s great to highlight this blogging world of ours hey?!

    Penny, Kate and Stephanie- I’ve just sent you an email!
    Emma – thanks!

    Karen- I’ve just sent you an email but we have met…. I’m the one who walked in on you in the toilet at the vlogging launch in London, March 2011!!! Oops!!!


  16. Hi Nadine, would love a copy, thank you lovely Juggle Mum!!!! xxx

  17. Nadine says:

    With pleasure Jacqui! It is on its way!! xx

  18. Sofie Ford says:

    Hey Nadine,

    I was just having a look through your blog – wow you’ve done a lot of fantastic stuff. Definitely something to aspire to!

    My blog http://www.mabelslog.com is nominated in the Fresh Voice category and I would love a copy of your press release to send out – THANKS!

    Hopefully meet you on awards night.


  19. Good idea – I hadn’t even thought of that and yes please – if you could email me at the above address the press release as I’m rubbish at that sort of thing – I’m in the travel finalist section! Woohoo, looking forward to meeting you x

  20. Sera says:

    Hi! Brilliant vlog – I’m a finalist in the Style category and my blog has a very unique twist so I would really love to take you up on the offer of help with the press! Thank you so much! xx

  21. Sara says:


    I’m still in shock at making the final but would love to take you up of your offer for the media release.

    My email is

    Thank you again xxx

  22. Thank you Nadine for a great offer, I am in the MADs awards not Bibs but guessing the PR stroy will be much the same so yes please to sending me the info.

    • Nadine says:

      Hi Fiona
      I’ve just seen your comment.
      Well done on your MADS award nomination. I think I remember seeing a comment by Sally Whittle who runs the MADS that they have their own press release for this awards, so rather than confuse things, I’d suggest you contact her to get the template. The address is

      My press release is very much targetted at the BiBs and not a general blogging release so it would be more helpful for you to get the MADS one for your award from them. Hope that helps!

  23. Nadine says:

    Hi there Sofie, Sera, Sara and Family Affairs
    I’m happy to help! The press release is on its way!
    Looking forward to meeting you all!
    Nadine x

  24. Great video, Nadine – what a good idea to do a press release and get in the local paper! I’m a finalist too, in the GO! section, though not sure my local press would be too interested, since I live in Spain – and not on the costa. Sadly I can’t come to the awards – too far, and it’s my son’s end of term school show that evening. Good luck in the awards!

  25. Clairey says:

    Hi Nadine,

    Firstly, well done on your nomination – I am nominated also alongside the lovely Mabel’s Blog in the Fresh Voices! category.

    What a great idea to spread the word and get the BiBs out there in the local press! I am so behind the game here, but would love to take you up of your offer for the media release and see if I can get some PR before the big event.

    Thank you so much for sharing this! As Barney says….sharing is caring ;)

    My email is

    Cheers ! and good luck in the Final!

  26. Nadine says:

    Hi Clairey, your press release is on its way! Good luck with it!
    Fiona, well done on being a finalist and shame you won’t be there but we will raise a glass to you anyway! Enjoy your son’s event!

  27. Hi Nadine

    I’m lazy, you’re kind, I want publicity…
    Pretty please send you Press Release my way. I will be dead, dead, dead, dead grateful.

    Look forward to meeting you at BritMums Live xx

  28. mrs green says:

    Hi lovely, would love a copy of your press release please; I’m a finalist in the ‘change’ category. Congrats on your own achievement and thanks for your generosity in sharing this :) My email is

  29. Nadine says:

    Hi My Funny Mummy – you are funny!!! Your comment made me laugh!!
    Mrs Green- thank you and congrats to you too!

    A press release has just been sent to you both! :-)

  30. Hello! I would love a copy of your press release please -what a thoughtful and clever idea! I am a finalist in the Style category http://styleguile.blogspot.co.uk/ – thank you for being so on the ball! Congratulations on your success too. My email address is

  31. Hi nadir. I’m a finalist too and would love the press release if that’s ok? Thanks. And good luck!

  32. Nadine…iPad autocorrect FAIL

  33. Nadine says:

    Hi Beth & Debbie,
    Press release is in your Inbox!
    See you at the BiBs!

  34. Emma at Llm calling says:

    What a star you are Nadine. I am a finalist in the change category and am trying to change my response to fear of being out in the press. I’d love to have a copy of your press release document please. My email is emmuk74 at gmail dot com.

  35. Ren Behan says:

    Yay well done Nadine. Hope we get to meet at the awards, Just dropped you an email about the press release. Best wishes Ren

  36. Nadine says:

    Hi Emma and Ren
    Your press release is with you now! Hope it helps:-)

  37. [...] blonde girl I don’t know who approached me at the cloakroom to thank me for sending her my BiBs Finalist press release, and saying it got her some coverage! [...]


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