I had to smile at the little boys in this video talking about Domestos and Unicef working “in the toilets!”

It reminded me of my son trying to remember his lines in a recent school play and shows that children are children everywhere, regardless of what facilities and privileges they may or may not have. Check them out in this video- it is the second set of boys who I just wanted to grab and cuddle!

The video is called ‘Dance & Be Happy’ and is part of a campaign by Domestos and UNICEF to tackle the global sanitation crisis. It’s aimed at protecting children living in areas where there is no adequate sanitation. Having access to improved sanitation has been deemed a basic human right by the United Nations, so through this campaign, thousands of lives will be saved by helping communities build toilets and teaching them about hygiene.

In the UK we can do our bit by purchasing specially marked bottles of Domestos, so that a donation can be made to the cause. To learn more about the Domestos for UNICEF campaign, see the website.

My son is almost 5 years old and is at that stage where anything about toilets and poo is funny. His sister had a sign on her door recently that said ‘No pooheads allowed’ – I made her take it down of course! So for my children, toilets and what we do in them are funny. But for the children in this video, there is nothing funny about them.

We are incredibly fortunate in the UK to have an infrastructure in place where we flush our waste and don’t have to see it again, and we have other things we take for granted like tarmac on our roads. Some children in the world are not so fortunate and it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of this every once in a while. It keeps us grateful.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Domestos for UNICEF

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