girl postcard celebrationNormally a ‘letter from school’ in the post is considered a bad thing, but we got a fantastic postcard from my daughter’s class teacher this week, praising her for her hard work and positive attitude.

I was pleasantly surprised as I didn’t realise that school did this, but I was so pleased that we decided to have a lovely little celebration tea to commend my daughter- I wanted to recognise the achievement and reinforce the behaviour that led to it.  So I bought a small chocolate cake for pudding, and made her favourite tea (which is currently spaghetti carbonara).  Here we are at the table, my daughter is cutting her cake and my son is holding her postcard.

Well done baby, you make me so proud.

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3 Responses to The Fantastic ‘Letter From School’!

  1. That is such a lovely thing to do – small things often mean a lot to us all.

  2. Nadine says:

    Thanks Lynn, I agree!

  3. [...] for herself.  She is making me so proud every day – just last month we had a positive letter from school about her good [...]


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