My BritMums Guest Post How To Self Publish: My 1st Google Hangout!

When you reach the summit, the thing to do is stop and take in the view and this is what I did last weekend!

But I wasn’t scaling mountains, I attended the Blog Summit – where 100 UK bloggers, some brands and experts came together to learn, grow, network and generally have a great day out!

I think the best thing about blogger events is meeting everyone else.  I love the workshops where I can take pages of notes to learn and grow my blog.  I also love meeting the brands and forging new relationships to potentially work together in the future.  But the biggest memories come from the other bloggers.

One of the funniest memories for me of last Saturday is linked to this photograph:

kirstie and nadine moustaches

I’m on the right, channelling Colonel Sanders whilst Kirstie is on the left, being Salvador Dali!

Kirstie is a travel writer, blogger at The Family Adventure Project and moustache aficionado! I took pages of notes from her session on ‘How to be a Travel Blogger’, and her blog is absolutely brilliant! Check it out. I found that her family have a great sense of fun and adventure, it reminded me of us, although I think they are more ‘Bear Grylls’ than me- they are doing some ‘sleeping under the stars’ travel posts whereas I do like a comfy bed!!

We took this photo in the afternoon just as the cakes were being whipped out for afternoon tea, so I had to remove the ‘tache so I could enjoy the cake, but I have it safe in my business card holder to re-use at BritMums Live!

Looking back on Saturday I certainly laughed a lot. There were a few old friends there but an awful lot of people I’d never met before which was lovely, and I shared a giggle with many of them. One of my new bloggy friends, Sara-Jayne from Keeping Up With The Jones Family advised me that the @ symbol I’d drawn onto my name badge so I could showcase my Twitter handle actually looked like a sperm! She is a High School science teacher so she knew what she was talking about! It’s funny actually – where else would you meet someone and within minutes be talking about sperm… unless you were visiting a fertility clinic? But that’s the mark of a blogger isn’t it. We are used to over sharing and our barriers are down. Especially amongst other bloggers.

The day was great fun and was organised splendidly by Sally Whittle of Who’s The Mummy. I hope there will be another Blog Summit soon so I can scale even higher bloggy heights!

If you want to know what workshops were running and what else went down, see the Tots 100 round up of the day here.

Ooh! Before I forget… At the end of the day we had a ‘prize draw’! Well it was without an actual prize so a draw I guess. Everyone had put their names and email addresses onto a card and into the envelope and at the end we all took out an envelope with someone’s details in it. The idea being that we make a bloggy friend and do a guest post for them, which gives us all a link back to our own sites.
I drew out one envelope with two lots of details- a double whammy! The first name was Actually Mummy and you can read about her experience of the day here.
The second was Mammasaurus. She’d recently been to Blog Summit in Bristol and written about that so her post from the day was not related to blogging! Certainly worth a read though, for her eloquent descriptions. She certainly knows how to bring a story to life!
Jaime from The Oliver’s Madhouse had my name in her envelope. Here is her account of the day from a newbie blogger perspective!

Tagged with: Blog Summit • • Motivation • • Tots 100 • Travel

6 Responses to I Trekked to the Summit… #BlogSummit

  1. Mammasaurus says:

    It was a really good day wasn’t it? Sperm twitter symbols aside that is ;)

  2. Sara-Jayne says:

    It really did you know ;) Just like one!

  3. [...] For information about how the Birmingham Tots100 BlogSummit went read here, at JuggleMum: I trekked to the Summit… #BlogSummit spread 'emShare on Tumblr Pin It Filed Under: Blogging Tagged With: BlogSummit, [...]

  4. [...] ever since, with massive results, as you will see from this post – eek! She also met Nadine, from JuggleMum, with whom she will be speaking at BritMums Live. In the space of 45 minutes they had hatched a [...]

  5. Jaime Oliver says:

    it was so lovely to see you! although I cant wait to speak to your properly next time :-) xxx

  6. Father’s Day Moustache! | says:

    [...] This is me (right) and Kirstie (left) at Blog Summit 2013. [...]


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