The Summer countdown is on and in just a few weeks the kids get out of school and we are all going to Camp Bestival!!

We went to our first festival two years ago and it was totes amazeballs. Yes, I am nearly 40 and I did just say that! I’m obvs an embarassing mum- in fact my daughter rolled her eyes at me this week when I blew her a kiss at sports day. But if you can’t be ‘down with the kids’ when you have youngsters, when can you?!

So I’m starting to get prepared for our weekend of glamping- we are hiring a campervan this time. The last time we had a tent so we’re going up in the world as far as festival accommodation goes! I’ve found our camping chairs which were hidden in the shed, and I got the kids festival wellies ready… just in case.

But when I looked for my own funky footwear, I’m sadly lacking! I’ve had some Boden wellies for several years that I dig out when we have a snow day and for trips to the farm, but now I want to wear my trendy boots they are nowhere to be seen! So I’ve been looking at the festival footwear collection on fashion search engine I’m loving the cow print posh wellies, and also the Joules wellies with a big bow!

I haven’t even decided on my clothes yet but I think that once the footwear is sorted, everything else falls into place! Hubby is wearing his flip flops, come rain, mud or shine but with any luck it will be blue skies all weekend. We deserve a bit of sun after the long winter we’ve just had.

So help me out… what footwear would you take to a festival? I need to be able to cope with long walks and those portaloos in them, so suggestions welcome!
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Tagged with: Camp Bestival • • fashion • festival • festival fashion • • Travel

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