Last week my ten year old went to her first meeting of the Girl Guides and this week she enrolled, so now she is officially a Girl Guide!  I was in the Brownies myself- here is a nice shot from the early 80′s of me in the middle with my ‘Brownie pals’!

Nadine in the Brownies

It is so exciting for her, this is an activity that she won’t get bored of as there is so much variety.  Doing dance classes or gymnastics entertained her for a few months but then she wanted to quit but this is something I think she’ll stick at.  On the Girl Guides website you can see exactly the kind of things they do, from working toward badges to participating in awareness events on feminism!  She seems to have grown up all of a sudden, especially in the way she flounced out of the house today, ready for her enrollment meeting.

She has become more fashion conscious lately, taking more care of her appearance and wearing certain clothes from her wardrobe, discarding the remaining 70% of it.  Once we have bought her the Guides uniform of a polo shirt, she will have to wear that, but today as she is still a new member, she wears her own clothes.  So she got out the tween uniform of black leggings (a ‘must have’ in any ten year olds’ wardrobe!) a ‘ra-ra’ style top, worn with a pink hoodie and her favourite Converse Hi Tops from JD Sports.  I teased her as she pranced around checking her outfit out, by calling her ‘Little Mix’.  She looked like she could be in a girl band – I’m just thankful that the current fashion is for sportswear styled clothing and is therefore not too revealing!

The Guides range in age from ten to fifteen, and this is the first out of school activity that she’s been to where she has mingled with much older girls.  I think it does kids good to be able to relate to people of all ages, and as the Guides are a supportive group and look out for each other, it is a safe place for her to develop her confidence of standing more on her own two feet and thinking for herself.  She is making me so proud every day – just last month we had a positive letter from school about her good behaviour.

So now my baby is a Girl Guide, she has lots to look forward to, from evenings out at Pizza Hut to weekends away camping.  I know she will love it all and take it in her stride, but I can’t help but think I’ll be worried at letting her out of my sight for the first time.  Maybe I should see if they have a vacancy for a 38 year old Girl Guide so I can go camping too?!

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One Response to My Girl Guide

  1. Charlie says:

    There is space for a 38 year old Guide! Become a leader or a helper! I honestly think Guides is even more fun for the leaders than the girls :)


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