The Best Bit About Shopping? Showing your Friends Afterwards!

I recently worked on a trial project with Finish Quantumatic, to test the new product and see how it fared in my home with my family’s dishes. Part of this trial meant that Finish sent a photographer round to my place to take a picture of me for their website!!

Here are shots from the recent shoot in my kitchen:
Me having my photo taken:

Me taking a photo of the photographer!

…and my husband sorting out the disco ball!! (We have a disco ball in our kitchen, and the photographer wanted it in shot!)

The finished result of the photo-shoot can be seen here at the Finish Quantumatic microsite! This is the address:

You can see me and the other jurors who have given their verdicts, and learn more about what they had to say too. I was the juror representing busy, juggling mums out there with dishwashing needs for a general family useage, but the other jurors had different interests with their dishwashers! Here are my fellow jurors!

The other jurors are:
Midlife Manual
Bringing Up Charlie
All Baby Advice

Lunchbox World
Kitchen Delights
Cooking, Cakes & Children
Busy Woman
Moan About Men

On a side note, as a blogger I have to say how refreshing it was to deal with the PR people representing FINISH. When they initially approached me about becoming a ‘Blogging Jury Member’ I actually felt like they’d been to look at my blog and targeted me specifically, rather than throwing out a blanket email to any old blog writer to see who responded. The team have been on the phone checking how many times a day I used the dishwasher before and after the trial, and also to arrange my spa day! (thanks guys!)

As the brands & Bloggers relationship is so new in the UK, both parties are still finding their feet and this company were ones I will benchmark all future blogging spokesperson offers against. I really enjoyed working on this with them, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading about my thoughts on the product!

As a special treat for blog readers, Finish have sorted out a £5 off coupon for anyone wishing to try out the Quantumatic for themselves! Get yours here

Thanks for reading! You are looking hot today! x

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2 Responses to Check Me Out on Finish’s Microsite!

  1. A Thrifty Mrs says:

    Great post and I agree with PR company involved were really refreshing to work with. I'm looking forward to my spa break too.

  2. Nadine Hill says:

    Thanks Thrifty! I love your blog- I've bookmarked it to read later on when the kids are in bed!!


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