Parent Bloggers Network - Blog of the week

Bom chicka waa wow- Check me out!

I’m well chuffed that online parenting group Netmums has selected my blog as their featured ‘Blog of the week’! Netmums has more than 1.2 million members with more than 5 million unique visitors a month, so a lot of eyes could be on my blog, and guess what it was that brought them here? A little ‘mummy porn’. Who says sex doesn’t sell? Well in my case maybe it is not doing the business that has sold as you will see when you read the post that attracted Netmums attention- my ‘Fifty Shades of Parenting‘ story!

I enjoyed writing my ‘Fifty Shades’ post, and I’m sure loads of mums will identify with it. This could spawn a whole new genre of fiction- ‘Nonrotica’. What do you think? There could be ‘Nonrotica’ sections in bookstores, populated by parents with a two year old hanging off their legs and a wistful look in their eye. But maybe a future as a sex writer is not in my cards, do you remember my ‘Cheeky Secret‘ back in February?

Here is my post on the Netmums blog and here is the meme that started it all. I’m off to see if I can get my husband back onto all fours on the carpet now- and I am taking the rubber gloves!

Tagged with: Awards • • Netmums • Nonrotica •

3 Responses to JuggleMum is Netmums Blog of the Week! Yay!

  1. Netmums Blog says:

    Nonrotica – love it :) Think it’s more up our street than the alternative!
    Thanks for being our blog of the week – pleasure to have you.

  2. SaveEveryStep says:

    Nice job lady!

  3. Nadine says:

    Thanks Netmums! Thanks Helen! :-)


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