If we only had a crystal ball in life, things would be so much easier wouldn’t they?!

Given all the belt tightening that families have had over the past few years and likely the next few years to come, it can be tough to know what to do to prepare for your children’s financial future and what to focus on, so I was really interested to read Vicki Wusche’s new book: Property for the Next Generation. Preparing your family for a wealthy future.
Vicki Wusche book

The book was clearly written in a very easy to understand style, and I’m especially thankful for the clear English explanations of what ‘gearing’ and ‘leverage’ are! I read the book in just a couple of sittings and found myself nodding in agreement at her lessons throughout. I had the book in one hand and a highlighter pen in the other and there was a healthy dose of knowledge, mixed in with her true life examples that she used to illustrate her points.

The book made for a very informative read, covering topics like how credit works, a formula to compare investments to see which is best and blasting some widely held myths such as ‘debt is bad’. Vicki also tells her own story as a person who was struggling in debt then turning this around and educating herself about money so that now she runs a property investment business worth over £2 million with a turnover of £100,000 a year.

If you are looking for some inspiration for taking charge of your own financials and are considering using property to secure your children’s future, then this book is definitely worth a read. I often sell a lot of my paperback books after I read them but this one is staying on my bookshelf! You can get your copy of this book from

Tagged with: • Finances • • Vicki Wusche

2 Responses to A Book For The Future

  1. Vicki Wusche says:

    Hi Nadine – thank you so much for such a wonderful review – I am so pleased you found the book informative and easy to read – it can be difficult to not get lost in the jargon of our own worlds :)
    If I can be any help at all – please do get in touch – I have videos under Youtube ThePropertyMermaid, there is my blog http://www.ThePropertyMermaid.com and of course extra bits like Slideshare, Twitter and Facebook
    I firmly believe we need to start taking responsibility for our children’s education – to teach them what they need to know and not what a government curriculum wants them to know :)

  2. Nadine says:

    Thanks for your comment Vicki, and for the extra resources.
    The book was very informative.


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