There’s Always Beauty… You Just Have To See It

When you run a busy home, you have to become a master of juggling. Not only juggling the everyday things like getting people to school on time, packing lunches, making appointments and buying food, but also juggling the finances. Making a budget stretch as far as it can by using coupons, price comparison sites and freebies where you can (like Sky rewards!)

One way I’ve learned to juggle the budget is to recycle my old stuff into cash, so I’ve sold my old music CDs to Music Magpie. I’ve traded in old mobile phone handsets, done car boot sales and as I’ve slimmed down in dress size, I’ve been to clothes swishing parties with friends to swop my old clothes into ones that are new to me! If you want to sell your clothes, then Music Magpie are now offering this as a service, so you can get money for the things that you have grown out of or are bored with. If it is just taking up space in your wardrobe and you haven’t worn it for a year or more, chances are you probably won’t again, and a de-clutter is good for your wellbeing! I always feel a bit more in control when the home is tidy, de-cluttered and clean!

One place I’m trying to de-clutter is the kids toy collection. I have to go slow however as they notice when stuff disappears en masse! They won’t play with a toy for over a year but then when I start tidying up to get rid of some things they decide they want it again, and it is their favourite thing. My daughter doesn’t play with Barbie dolls any more but heaven forbid I try to bag them up for charity. When I de-clutter by stealth, she doesn’t notice.

If anyone out there has any tips for managing to do a successful de-clutter without upsetting the children, share your techniques below!

Disclosure: This post contains sponsored content.

Tagged with: fashion & Beauty • • Tips

2 Responses to Making Money With A De-Clutter

  1. On another decluttering thread the other day, a poster mentioned a site called clothes for cash where you can get paid for any clothes you send them. I registered and received my bag to fill today, so have sorted out all DS’s and my clothes – I’ve filled the bag up, so not only are our drawers decluttered but I’ll get paid for it! Still need to get on with sorting and filing my paperwork though. I keep putting it off, although I’ve bought ring binders, plastic wallets etc from Wilkos so I’m ready.

  2. In keeping with my organised nature, I too have made changes over this last week and done my annual de-clutter of our seasonal clothes. I keep all of our ‘out of season’ items stored in a see-through box in the loft, ready to be brought down when the weather changes. This is especially useful for my 2 daughters; as the younger one has the seasonal cast-offs from the older one – with a couple of year’s break inbetween!


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