The Deep in Hull was the venue for my latest bloggy get together. I took the family off for the day to meet Laura from Tired Mummy of Two who also runs ‘Blogs Up North’ at the world’s only submarium in East Yorkshire.

Here we are at the entrance- ‘cus that’s how we roll!
The Deep bloggers
Left to right that’s Nicola from Monsters Fun House, Me (Nadine from Juggle Mum), Laura from Tired Mummy of Two and Tami from .

I had also met Trouble Doubled but she went into the exhibition earlier than the rest of us who were busy Tweeting and swopping names at the entrance!

I am trying to improve my photography lately and I have plenty of chances to practise here! These are some shots that I captured during the day:
The Deep jellyfish

The Deep finding Nemo

The Deep fish wall

The Deep soft toys

What do you think? I took loads more but I like these the best!

Roll on our next bloggy get together!

Tagged with: • Photography • The Deep

2 Responses to Rolling In The Deep… With Bloggers!

  1. says:

    You got some goo pics (apart from the top one!!) Was great to meet you :)

  2. Nadine says:

    Thanks Mummy of Two! Yeah, hubby took the top pic so I’m pleased that you reckon all mine are good at least!
    Nice to meet you too!


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