My friend and I discovered a fab little cafe recently, and sneaked off for a girls’ lunch one Friday afternoon, just before we had to be back at school to collect the kids.  What makes this cafe so special, is that it specialises in homemade food, AND it is Slimming World friendly!

JuggleMum at Cafe19

I’ve been following the Slimming World plan for over a year now with great success, but eating out isn’t always easy.  Even though there are often lighter choices on any menu, when you cook the food yourself you know how much oil you’ve used and the best ways to cook something for taste without adding extra calories.  My plan is based on eating a great deal of ‘free food’ and counting between 5-15 syns per day, so to lose weight, I cannot afford to go over on my syns.

This cafe (called by the way) is run by a woman who attends Slimming World herself so she understands the programme.  She was able to serve me a syn free lasagne (which would be syn free when I make it myself at home but at most restaurants and cafe’s I’d have to count 12.5 syns per portion).  I only had to allow for the cheese she sprinkled on top which was my ‘Healthy Extra’.  She had of course, chosen the low fat cheese that we select at Slimming World, rather than the high fat, cheaper cheeses that most venues would serve.


It was the tastiest lasagne I’ve eaten recently!  It was delicious!  This cafe is such a lovely looking place, the prices are reasonable and the owner understands Slimming World- what could be better!  I’m definitely adding this cafe to my favourite places list, along with Bibi’s in Leeds and my local pub carvery.

Here’s me & Karen:

At Cafe19

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