Last weekend more than 500 parenting bloggers descended on London for a weekend of blogging, tech, SEO strategies, networking, making brand relationships and creative writing. It was an awesome weekend and you can read what I thought about it here.

But amongst all the pixel princesses and blogging babes were some seriously yummy mummies, taking advantage of having a child free day out to make the street their catwalk and show off some lovely summer fashion… and I was one of them!

Here is my outfit on the second day:
My Monsoon dress

I got so many compliments on my dress, the funniest was from blogger who I met in the queue for the loos and then kept bumping into throughout the day! I should’ve swopped business cards with her but I was so flattered by her compliment that I was basking in that and completely forgot to ask!

Buying a new outfit and keeping up with the fashion is part of the fun of blogging conferences for me. When I’ve bought my ticket and ordered new business cards, my next thoughts go to clothes and what I should wear! It is a bit of fun and reminds me of my student days when I was at The London College of Fashion and spent all my Saturday job wages on clothes. I’ve always loved a new outfit- what girl doesn’t?! The thing is now I am older and wiser, I never pay full price for my fashion. These days I get a discount code from a site like Voucherbox and save a little money! In fact I bought the dress I’m wearing in the picture on a special 15% off day!

Fashion has become fun again for me in the last year as I’ve been shifting some excess weight and have started to buy dress size 14′s as well as ‘Small’ and ‘Medium’! This is a massive change from my plus size fashion days when I was a size 24!

I’ve still got about 2 stone left to go but one thing is for certain. The best thing about losing weight is the opportunity to buy more new clothes – it is the perfect excuse! So during next year’s blogging conference season, I’m aiming to be in a size 10/12… and I’ll need a new dress with the new figures to go with my new figure too!

Disclosure: This is a featured post.

Tagged with: • fashion •

3 Responses to BritMums Fashion!

  1. Amy says:

    You looked fab on both days, I’m aiming to be much smaller next year too, thanks for being a great roomie xxxxx

  2. Lovely dress ! Xx

  3. Nadine says:

    Aww thanks Amy and Katerina!!
    I felt great in that dress too!xx


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