On Sunday, as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias®, we came together. We closed the doors to shut out the world and cuddled on our sofa as a family, eating chocolate!

chocolate aisle
Yum Yum!

This is something we do regularly, even when I do not have a sponsored post to write! But this very timely Shoppertunity came through from my Social Fabric® Community to purchase Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and have a family night in, so we did just that – but we did it ‘our way’. !

All families have their traditions, the ‘movie night’ is probably a regular feature in the fabric of many families lives. My husband and I have always been ‘movie buffs’. Our nights out were always to the cinema when we were dating, so when the children came along, we just modified the playlist to ensure that our choices were more family friendly.

We try to come together like this on a weekly basis and chill out, enjoy being together and watch the latest releases and Sunday afternoons are our favourite time to do it. It is the end of a busy week and also the start of a new week so it is the perfect time to ‘down tools’ and rest. All housework is suspended, the computer stays off, there are no phone calls from clients to deal with, I’ve always stocked the kitchen in advance, we can shut the world out – we have peace.

All four of us like different foods which can make weekday mealtimes a challenge for me, but we all have chocolate in common. The biggest bar of Dairy Milk to share between us is a regular staple of our movie afternoon, we all break off a line at a time, each!

It was particularly fitting that the Shoppertunity came when it did because the kids had spent the night at Grandma’s house on the Saturday whilst hubby and I went to the theatre with tickets we’d been bought for Christmas. Having a rare night out meant that we over indulged on the drink whilst we were ‘responsibility free’ but then we were feeling tired and just wanted to hibernate on the Sunday!

The children were at the end of their Half Term holiday from school and had stayed up late with their Grandparents on the Saturday so they were feeling tired and a little cranky too. All any of us wanted to do was get into our pyjamas and curl under the duvet. The fact that we had license to eat chocolate and watch a movie was the icing on the cake!

mum & kids sofa chocolate

Our family Sunday afternoons always have the desired effect. They are our bonding time, our resting time, our chance to get the kids back on a schedule in preparation for the week ahead. We were able to start to wind the kids down early last Sunday. They were satisfied and comforted from the chocolate and cuddles and after a lavender bath they had an early night.

I hope that they will still want to enjoy our movie afternoons as they grow up. Our daughter is a tween and starting to find her own way, but as this picture shows, she’s still not too big for a cuddle with dad!

Dad & kids June 2013

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric.

Tagged with: Cadbury • Chocolate • Dairy Milk • • Shoppertunity •

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