As a mum, I spend a lot of time party planning and I’m currently organising a pool party for my son this summer. But the parties I organise aren’t usually for me!

However next year is a special year… the big 4-0! So I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I want to do. I’ve always wanted to have a mystical-themed party where psychics come to the house and do readings for all the guests. I saw this on an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County once and thought it looked like fun. A couple of friends of mine have consulted psychics and other kinds of spiritual advisors in the past and found them to be spookily accurate, but it isn’t something I’ve ever done myself yet… it’s the unknown!

sweets copyright

What I'll put in my party bags!

Today at the school gates I was speaking to a few of my ‘mum’ friends and said it could be fun to drop the kids off at school on my birthday then get a mini bus into Leeds – our nearest major city, for a day of champagne, food and general merriment before boarding the bus again to collect the kids at 3pm – like a ‘mums day out’! That would be a laugh as long as the teachers didn’t see our glazed expressions as we try to stand up straight and look respectable, swallowing our hiccups whilst we collect the children! It’d have to be a walk home from school that day, as I can’t imagine I’d be in a fit state to drive!

My husband suggested a day at the races, as this is something he did for his employees at Christmas. It’s a nice idea but I’d rather go to a spa with my friends myself! I like to do little lunches for them from time to time, and I’ve thrown a beauty product party before now, but for a 40th, it has to be something really special.

So I’m still considering what to do. If you did something amazing for your 40th, tell me about it below. It might give me a few ideas!

Consideration was given for the writing and publishing of this blog post.

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