On Thursday I’m meeting the 2010 Britain’s Got Talent winners Spelbound at the opening of the new Splash Waterworld at Butlins Skegness!

We are being interviewed for a live web TV show that you will be able to watch right here on this blog!

There is an iframe below that will go live at 2pm on Thursday 18th July 2013. Until then you will see a holding screen…

But until then, if you have any questions that you would like Spelbound or myself (), to answer, then you can send in your questions at this link or tweet using the hashtag #ButlinsSplash to get your questions answered during the show.

The occasion is the opening of Britain’s newest waterpark, a £16 million investment- Splash WaterWorld at Butlins Skegness. The Skegness resort was the original Butlins resort, opened by Billy Butlin in 1936 and these days welcomes more than 410,000 families per year!

My blog is all about making memories for my children, and the family holiday is a massive part of memory making! Wherever families go on holiday, whether that be abroad or the UK, having a swim together is something that we all do. The Splash Waterworld is a place for families to come together and make some happy memories so that the children have something nice to look back on when they are adults. I’m so pleased that I am able to take my own children there to create some memories of our own.

I’ve heard a lot about the new waterpark, but I can report back fully after the launch when I’ll have tried it all for myself! One thing I hear that I want to confirm if it is true or not is that there are mirrors in the pool area that make you look a size 8! If that is true I may not actually want to leave!

Come back next week for my write up, and hey- don’t forget to subscribe if you like my posts. I’ve got a mahoosive amount of travel posts planned for this summer…. including another stay at Butlins!

Tagged with: • Britain's Got Talent • Butlins • Butlins Ambassador • • Skegness • • Spelbound • Splash Waterworld • Travel • TV Show • • Web TV

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