It’s amazing what you can get on the internet! I’m planning my son’s upcoming birthday party and was browsing gift websites for ideas for toys and party favours for his goody bags. When I found this…

You’ve heard of ‘mail order brides’? Well I got a mail order boy band member! I found Niall Horan from One Direction on a website called Find Me A Gift!

Niall and kids on trampoline

The kids wanted to take him on the trampoline immediately!

My tween’s first tweenage crush is Niall Horan from One Direction. She loves him, she even signs her first name with his surname! She recently wrote a piece of fan fiction for him, which I’ve published below so that she can look back on this in years to come and remember how she felt:


One Direction, the biggest boy band on earth are very popular.  Since I am a ‘Directioner’ I have written some fan fiction about them…

One sunny 4th July 2012 I was sitting in my back garden and then suddenly… pow!

Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik aka 1D, fell from the sky!

“Wow, you’re One Direction!” I cry.

“Yes we are, we came to cure your boredom” Harry announced, proudly.

“Wow” I repeated.

“Please can I have ALL of your autographs?” I asked.

“Of course” Niall said.  “Have you got any food?”

“Niall!” Harry responded.

“It’s OK” I said.  “And yes, I have”.

“Please can I see?” Niall questioned.

“OK” I said.

Niall stepped into the house.

“It smells good in here, what are you having for tea?” he asked.

“Chicken” I said.

“Can I stay for tea?”

“Of course!”  “Let’s go shopping” I said.

“OK” said Louis.

We went shopping and Niall ate 3 pizzas, 5 sandwiches, 8 bananas, 17 oranges and 12 chocolate biscuits.

“I don’t feel well” Niall whispered.


Bless her! Isn’t that cute?  You can tell she reads a lot of fiction books, as she has created a story with a lot of dialogue and descriptive words. I’m so proud of her achievements that I’ll enter this post into Actually Mummy’s Wot So Funee linky this week, where you can show off your child’s linguistic accomplishments!

Wot So Funee?

So when I saw the Niall cutout on the Find Me A Gift website I wanted to make her day and surprise her with it, but funnily enough, after the initial excitement and enjoying having her own ‘Niall’, she took him to her room where I thought he’d stay but apparently he’s a bit scary!

I think the fact that she can always see him out of the corner of her eye, standing in her room is a little freaky, especially as he’s life sized! So instead we brought him back downstairs to live in the conservatory where he can scare away burglars, but not before we had some fun with him first!

Here’s my son and I driving Niall to school!

me, Niall & son in car

Later that day we took him to the hairdressers for a trim!
Niall having hair washed

I also recorded this little video of my daughters reaction when she opened the package:

For massive 1D fans, this cutout is an amazing gift, and the website has loads of other unique gift ideas I’ve not seen anywhere else either! Many thanks to Find Me A Gift for sending us Niall for this review. You made my tweenager’s day!

Tagged with: • Niall cutout • Niall Horan • One Direction • Photography •

One Response to We Got A Mail Order Boy Band Member!

  1. Oh my god I can’t believe you took him round town with you! You daft things! But that story looks like it’s been put together with the supervision of the teacher – brilliant :)


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