The girls and I went to see Rihanna in concert. It was something of a road trip for Lyndsey and I as we drove up to Sunderland to meet Nic and Shell but there was plenty to chat about on the way and I was excited to have a girls night out!

Here we are outside the stadium- Lyndsey and I are fresh from a 5K walk from the car park!

Lynz, Nic, Shell, Nadine

L-R: Lynz, Nic, Shell, Nadine

…and this is what it looked like when we got in!

up in the Gods

We were right at the back – so high that we couldv’e got a nosebleed but even at a high altitude, the atmosphere was just as pumping – especially when David Guetta came on to open for Rihanna!

He was my favourite part of the night to be honest. His music is awesome. We were all on our feet, arms in the air, dancing and singing- incredible. I’m a massive fan, Titanium is on my running playlist and has got me through many a runner’s wall when I’ve felt like I can’t go any further. Then this track comes on and I find more energy from somewhere to finish the job!

Shell and I asked the teenagers in front to take our photo.
Me & Shell

I say ‘teenagers’. They looked like this to me. They reminded me of my daughter and how she’ll be in just a few years. They were probably 21, but either way they were nice girls and happy to oblige!

Here is a close up of the crowd from my seat. It’s like a scene from ‘Where’s Wally?’ Can you spot him?

where's Wally?

Then Rihanna came on…
Rihanna tickets

“Come here Rude Boy, boy can you get it up…”
Gyrating and patting of her lady garden ensued. Rihanna I mean, not us! It was plenty of bump and grind on stage. You can see her on the screen here:
Rihanna on stage

It has been ages since I’ve been to a concert, so big thanks to my brother in law who bought us the tickets to enjoy a night out and mahoosive thanks to the girls for a fab, fun night!

Tagged with: concert • David Guetta • • girls night out • • Rihanna • Travel

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