I was laid in bed last night and fumbling around in the dark in my bedside drawer! I was trying to find my lip balm, but I have so much stuff in there, it was quite difficult! So I thought I’d share my bedtime drawer contents with you and see if you have as much crap (ahem) *stuff* as me in yours!

Here goes!
2x bars of Lindt! (Don’t ask!)
A can of Diet Coke
A dummy for my son (just in case!)
A pen
A Notebook
Lip Balm
Connection USB lead for my BlackBerry
A portable CD player
A set of Juggling Balls (Trying to teach myself for *fun* supposedly!)
Ear-phones for my iPod
Several more note books
A mini set of office stationary (inc scissors, sellotape, highlighter pen)
A Simon Cowell Biography
An emery board
A torch

Here, have a look!

Ooh the shame! What a mess!

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