Being environmentally aware is so important in our household. We have recycle bins for our paper, plastic and cans as well as a composter in the garden, and I’m always looking to re-purpose items that would otherwise be thrown away (look out for an upcoming craft post from me on how I made some old spoons into something useful at home!)

But protecting the earth also extends to household cleaning these days and the guys at method have a fab range of eco cleaning products but I have to say they are also a bit barmy – have a look at their new music video!

Like Snow White, I like to ‘whistle whilst I work too’ so I liked method’s angle of bringing music and happiness into their products. Regular readers will know all about my kitchen disco ball – it is important to be able to sing and dance when you are going about your home-making, so these guys are right up my street!!

I have to say, I love their rainbow wall of handwashes- what a unique way of making something interesting out of a product you use to clean your hands! (Spoiler alert: I also have it on good authority that they are doing some limited edition handwashes with Orla Kiely soon- get them before the other yummy mummies do!)

So now you know that I like to sing and dance when I’m cleaning my kitchen – how do you clean yours?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post

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