How to Make Play Dough

Savour time, not trinkets.

Two Christmases ago I made a conscious effort to NOT buy my kids toys. They have enough and they get enough from other family members and friends. Instead we took them to Disneyland Paris for 4 days – what a gift eh? Leaving on 27th December and returning just before New Years – it was awesome.

Since then, I’ve ensured that we have had plenty of memory making times together as a family.  From minibreaks to Butlins, weekends camping at a music festival, days out to the seaside or theme park or simply playdays and picnics at home where we do something creative together like fabric painting or video making or even just a popcorn & movie night in.  It doesn’t always have to cost a lot of money, but I’d rather spend our money on family experiences rather than just things.

Going to Camp Bestival I will remember forever, buying another cushion for the couch, I won’t.

What memories have you made with your family? Share them below!

Tagged with: Butlins • Camp Bestival • • Mindfulness •

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