I used to be a fashionista. Do you believe me? It’s true.

I went to the London College of Fashion, I gatecrashed a runway show or two (pretending to work for German ELLE magazine), I worked in PR with clients in the clothing industry, having trendy little lunches with glossy haired models and meeting the odd celebrity.

I would wear velvet hotpants and satin skirts (this was the early 90s BTW) but do you know what my favourite outfit is these days? My jersey cami-vest pyjamas!

There is nothing like nightwear for being cosy. If I could spend all day in my jammies I’d be happy, and my secret Christmas wish was for a onesie. I didn’t get one and if I did I’d probably look like a Tellytubby in it, but there is something so warm and content about a onesie. Probably because it reminds me of babies and how they have lovely snug prams to roll around in all day, wearing their onesies!

The kids got a onesie each this year. The girl had a cow one and the boy got a monkey suit which they haven’t taken off since 25th December! (Except for my super quick washload. Thank Bosch for the 15 minute cycle!) But I did get some nightwear – some size 12 pyjamas. They were definitely needed as my size 18 pyjama bottoms are falling off me since I started Slimming World.

Thankfully ladies dressing gowns are better on the big side so I’ve kept mine, as I like to wrap it around me twice and drown in it on a cosy day. Bring on the hot chocolate, we’re having a duvet day!

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Tagged with: • fashion & Beauty •

3 Responses to The Fashionista’s Favourite Outfit

  1. Professor of Denimology says:

    I am also attracted by onesies. But how do you go to the toilet in them (if you’re female, at least) without either having to remove half of the thing and having it dangling on the floor in front of the toilet? Please answer, fashionista. People need to know this shit.

    P.S. Happy new year!

  2. Nadine says:

    Happy New Year to you too Professor!

    Let me tell you a little secret… my kids got onesies for Christmas and it seems they come with a little ‘air hole’ in the crotch area. At first I thought it was a fault in my daughter’s one, but upon closer inspection, my son’s had it too!

    So it is easy for boys to ‘go’ in the night without stripping off. Maybe us girls need to invest in a ‘She Wee’ like they have for festivals so we can go too!!

    Enjoy your onesie!!

  3. Professor of Denimology says:

    Thank you for this clarification. I think I’ll postpone investment in a onesie and get one if/when I end up with a colostomy bag ;)

    Totes with you on the attractions of PJs. I get into mine the instant the kids are in bed. I even have special ‘cuddle slippers’ for such times, not to be confused with the slippers I wear for general household toiling, and which are probably ingrained with bits of food and other such filth!


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