Last week I gave my kids cocktails but before you ring the NSPCC, they were non alcoholic smoothies from the new Frankie & Benny’s Cocktail menu!

We love Frankie & Benny’s restaurant and visit usually when we have a special occasion, but luckily this time we were invited to try out the new cocktail menu and report on what we thought! Here is a picture of us enjoying our cocktails:
at Frankie & Bennys

My husband went for a mojito, one of his faves and I opted for the classic Pina Colada! I have more of a sweet tooth and also like the fruity/ creamy drinks, and it didn’t disappoint. It was a cold, wet October in Castleford but we could as easily have been in Miami with our ‘holiday’ style drinks. They definitely brightened up the experience of dining out as I usually just order a Diet Coke! The kids went for smoothies from the ‘non alcolohic’ menu. There were three ‘mocktails’ to choose from. The other two being ‘virgin’ versions of the regular cocktails but it was nice to have good old smoothies on there too. The flavour was strawberry and coconut which was gorgeous, but as my daughter didn’t want the coconut, the server made her one which was just a strawberry smoothie. However upon tasting them both, I’d recommend the strawberry and coconut- it was delicious!

Food wise hubby & I had a starter and a main. He loves calzone and I went for chicken parmigiana and I did also get my usual Diet Coke. The soft drink was like my ‘functional’ drink to wash down the food but the cocktails were like the ‘social’ drinks, that we enjoyed toasting with, holding in our hand and just enjoying the experience of having them as they are a bit of a luxury from our usual dining out. This is me enjoying the moment!

Whilst we were at the restaurant, there were about 6 birthday’s in too as the staff dim the lights, present a cake with a candle or sparkler and everyone sings ‘Happy Birthday’. It might have just been because I had a cocktail in my hand but there really was a nice party atmosphere when we went – everyone was singing and in a great mood – clapping the birthday boy / girl and joining in on the song ‘Congratulations’ after the candle was blown out. Mind you, everything becomes party time when you have a cocktail in your hand, so on your next night out, I’d highly recommend it!

Disclosure: Frankie & Benny’s gave us the two adult starters and mains and 4 free cocktails for the puropse of this review. We paid for everything else.

Tagged with: • Frankie & Benny's •

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