On my Kindle of course! What did you think I meant?!

Kindle bedtime reading

I bought a biography about Heston Blumenthal at Christmas because I love his unique approach to food and cooking.  I like the way he does things differently like using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream and creating snail porridge!  But it his business side that intrigues me the most.  Like how he had no classic training, he is self taught and is now one of the biggest chefs in the world with Michelin stars under his belt and a niche all of his own.

My husband is a Heston fan too and wants to sample the tasting menu at The Fat Duck (Heston’s restaurant) where the tasting menu costs £195 per person and takes about three hours to complete!  He’ll have to wait until his 40th for that as I’m not running to a £400 dinner for two for turning 38!  I did however, go to The Fat Duck website this week to see if I could book a table now- 2 years in advance.  I thought, you know what these celebrity chefs are like- booked up for years.  But I found out that bookings open just two months before, so it is in my diary as a ‘To Do’ for 2015!

Have you got any diary dates that far in advance, or is it just me?!

Tagged with: • Heston Blumenthal •

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