Last weekend the kids and I were left to our own devices as hubby went away for the weekend, so I did what all mums with time to fill do, and planned how I was going to entertain the kids.  I’d missed out on free tickets to see Wreck It Ralph with Sky Rewards, and a cinema trip would otherwise have been too expensive, so I was trying to find free ways to fill two days, whilst keeping the home running and having fun with the children.

I decided that we’d have a naming ceremony for the car.  This isn’t as random as it sounds- there is method to my madness.  The car needed washing and cleaning out but by announcing that this is what we are doing this weekend, it would have been met with complaints of how boring it is, how ‘we always have to do jobs!’ and general sulkiness.  However having a ‘naming ceremony’ means that we have to get the car ready for the ceremony. Everyone gets their hair washed and styled for an occasion, so we had the car ‘blow dried’ at the carwash!  Then I vacuumed out the interior whilst the kids made birthday cards and certificates for the car for the ceremony.  Getting the car into sparkling new condition became a fun activity which meant I got no resistance from the young ‘uns!

I asked the children to choose 5 names each, and I would decide the cars eventual name.  My 5 year old son liked ‘Bob Sam’ and ‘Melissa’ and my 10 year old daughter fancied ‘Becki’ and ‘Jayni’.  I decided I liked a combination of one of his choices (Lulu) and one of hers (April) so Lulu April it is!  Here is the polished up car with my son and I – we put a ribbon across the windscreen for the ceremony and he is holding up the cards they made.

Now Lulu April has an identity, let’s see if this makes a difference to how messy she gets on the back seat.  If I remind them that mess makes Lulu April sad, this *might* make them tidier…. or that could be wishful thinking!

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2 Responses to Welcome to the Family, Lulu April!

  1. Excellent idea , might try this myself !

  2. Nadine says:

    haha, thanks! :-)


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