Happy Easter everyone!

The kids finished school for two weeks yesterday and we have so much planned for this holidays including a playdate with my cousin and her kids who we try to see when the school’s break up for more than a week but sometimes our diaries clash and we have to wait for the next one! My kids love their cousins and haven’t seen them properly since last year- I can’t believe it’s been that long! So we are going to have a fun day out and some lunch, and my daughter wants to check out her cousin’s bedrooms as they have newly decorated ones and she’s after ideas for her own room makeover!

We are also having our foodie friends from Essex to stay for the weekend which I am soooo looking forward to. They have a daughter about the same age as our eldest so everyone loves to get together- we usually end up having a barbeque (regardless of the weather- they BBQ in all seasons!) whilst we eat some gorgeous food and drink wine. I always pick up some new cooking tips from my friend who is a masterchef and we have the same sense of humour, we laugh all weekend!

There is also a trip to visit relatives in there too so we’ll be off doing things this Easter, only coming home to sleep! So whatever you are doing, enjoy the holidays and I’ll be back blogging again with gusto once the kids are back in school.  Let’s hope the snow has gone by then.

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  1. [...] Easter, Out! My Big Kitchen Spring Clean! [...]


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