Let me introduce you to The Croods!
Here is a poster of the characters and standing next to them are my children! My son is doing a face because he is being a ‘Crood’. This is what he thinks a caveman looks like!
Kids & Croods

Last weekend we went to a special 3D screening of The Croods at The Odeon. It was special because the movie doesn’t actually come out until today! So here are my hubby and kids in their 3D specs, alone in the cinema!
In the cinema with 3d glasses

We didn’t stay alone for long. Soon after this photo was taken, two other families joined us. We’ve never actually ever managed to be in a cinema alone, just us for a screening- have you? I suppose it’s a good thing. You want the cinema to make money so it can keep on showing movies but it would be quite nice in one way to have the cinema to ourselves- like a private screening!

Once the film started however, we forgot about the other people and immersed ourselves into the world of The Croods. A cave dwelling family who live in fear of what is ‘out there’ in the world beyond their cave. Until one day the curious young daughter of The Croods ventures out and meets a cave boy who shows her another world!

The movie is a feelgood film about having faith in the world (the characters have to have faith to jump to the sun or they will die!) and learning that not everything that looks scary (the growling tiger) actually is (the tiger becomes a family pet in the end!)

It is a charming film that my kids loved, and there was an undercurrent that adults could relate to as well. The kids take the story at face value but grown ups will read the messages within the film, a sort of ‘feal the fear and do it anyway’ kind of theme!

Dreamworks Animation is always amongst the best when it comes to blockbuster movies and with the colour and life on the screen, along with the message of the film, we enjoyed a really nice family afternoon together watching this one. If you are looking for something for all ages to enjoy this weekend, give The Croods a shot!

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