Father’s Day Moustache! Jamie’s

At the weekend as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias®, the kids and I made chocolate brownies using Flora for Father’s Day!

We were originally planning to make Apple Spice Muffins but as you can see from my my shopping trip didn’t quite turn out as planned!

I couldn’t find one main ingredient that was important for the muffins. This was some Flora Pro Activ apricot yogurt. So upon arriving home after visiting two different supermarkets, we decided to make Chocolate Brownies instead!

making my shopping list

my baking trays

So we get together some products to begin making chocolate brownies. I like simplicity and ease in the kitchen as I can get easily ruffled! The kids help me to break down the steps by reading the ingredient list and getting the utensils ready.

Flora products for baking

I love our shiny brownie tin that has spaces to bake individual brownies.

shiny brownie pan

My daughter starts pouring the Flora whilst my son measures. I love how interested and willing they both are in the kitchen. I always encourage this as I never felt confident in the kitchen, I never baked as a child and it made it hard as an adult! I’ve had to teach myself to cook from scratch and I’m now a competent home cook….. But it has taken a while! The Flora Cuisine is easy to measure out so I can leave them to do that part unsupervised.
pouring the Flora

I give them each a task, stirring and mixing. Everyone gets a turn to do the fun jobs, as well as the not so fun jobs like clearing away! This way they can both truthfully tell their Dad that they made the brownies themselves.
kids stirring and mixing

Here are the brownies ready to bake. I get them in the oven whilst we clear away.
brownies ready to bake

My son clears away in his own style… licking the bowl clean! Even though this is a chocolate laden treat, I’m at least happy that by using the Flora Cuisine, we are being more healthy as it has less saturated fat than olive oil.
licking the bowl clean

I wash up and clear my surfaces. With my growing interest in photography I’m trying to see the beautiful in the mundane. Everything I look at is through the eyes of a photographer, I am always thinking about how it will look through a lens! Even boring old wooden spoons and a whisk in a dish drainer can be beautiful!
baking utensils

The smells from my kitchen are delicious! Look what we produced! I think I put too much mixture into each section of the brownie tin as the brownies mushroomed over the top whilst baking like muffins! We couldn’t excavate perfectly formed brownies so instead we broke them free of the pan with a knife and put them into a sharing bowl instead! Also, we left out the flaked almonds from the recipe as other than me, no-one particularly likes them.

Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Brownies

Picture the scene: Father’s Day, back from a meal out with the extended family, our little unit of four get home, lock the doors, get in our pyjamas and have a bowl of this with some custard! Heaven!

Chocolate Brownies

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric.

Tagged with: Chocolate Brownies • • Flora • Flora Cuisine • Flora Pro Activ • • Photography • Recipe • Shoppertunity •

5 Responses to Chocolate Brownies for Father’s Day!

  1. Kathie Auton says:

    Lucky dad! They already looked delicious and then you went and mentioned custard!! Doesn’t seem right to be craving brownies and custard at 9.30 in the morning :)

  2. Nadine says:

    haha thanks Kathie!
    Maybe if it was winter, it would be ok to crave brownies and custard so early!!

  3. Eileen Teo says:

    please send some over! ;)

  4. says:

    Shame you couldn’t find what you wanted but those Brownies look delicious! I might pop up to see you if there’s any left?!

  5. Nadine says:

    haha- the brownies are all gone! I’m ashamed to say they didn’t last long!! :-)


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