I’m not afraid to say I’m an old fart. On my last night out that started in heels, I nipped to NEXT just before it shut to buy a pair of flatties because I couldn’t handle the pain of shoe pinching and achy feet. I used to party in my 3 inch heels all night!
me on recent night out
Here’s me with a relieved face because of my flats!

…And here’s me (left) and Rachel (right) at the launch of Cuvee, a premium boutique wine bar in Leeds!
Me & Rach at Cuvee

Plus I like other comforts too, like being able to sit in a comfy chair to chat to mates and not having to wipe clean a loo seat before I use it. When a group of my girlfriends planned a recent night out for no reason in January, I told them I’d normally love to but I’m going to wait until the weather is warmer, as I didn’t much fancy standing in the cold in a taxi queue. I’d have gone along for someone’s birthday or a hen night, but when it is a night for no reason, no thanks – I’m a comfort queen and I like my pyjamas!

So I was relieved that I’m not the only one it seems! Ladbrokes bingo have recently released a survey that has some familiar statistics…
In the Ladbroke bingo survey of 2000 UK women, almost 70% of women said they prefer a girls night in to a girls night out these days with the best activity being gossiping with mates over a takeaway and wine! Like me, most women would dress for comfort on their night in, but 24% would still get dolled up for a night at a friend’s house (although I bet they leave their heels at the door!)

Home entertaining becomes more appealing from your late 20′s and early 30′s and in the survey, 50% thought that girls nights out are not what they used to be sometimes with responses like arguing with doormen, having to look after a drunk friend, long taxi queues, expensive drinks and being leered at by men affecting their reply. Girls on a night in like to gossip with their friends (68.75%) watch films and tv (58.45%) and pampering home spa treatments (35%). Sounds like a good night!

All of this sounded about right to me, but I had to smile when I looked at the footnotes to the survey. This is where the most interesting answers usually are! Of the women whose ideal night involved conversation with pals, the majority were into discussing relationships and celebrity gossip but one person’s ideal night was discussing the bible. Fair enough, we all have different interests. But the next answer made me laugh out loud. After the survey asked the ladies about how they dressed for the night, one person answered “My god, can you be less sexist with your questions, I don’t wear heels!”

This post is brought to you by Ladbrokes

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2 Responses to Girl’s Night Out …Or Girl’s Night In?

  1. This definitely applies to me , must be getting old !! Just can’t beat being with friends at home , nice meal, bottle or two of wine , and a good chat !

  2. Nadine says:

    Definitely! Nothing beats ‘putting the world to rights’ with good friends xx


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