Friends & family – this is what it is all about isn’t it? The people you love, spending time together.

We’ve just had a relaxing Christmas and New Year. We did the rounds and saw family and also had plenty of chill out time too. Laying in till 8am (yes, this is a lie in!), watching movies on the sofa, playing the kids new games on the Wii and even a trip to the cinema to see Parental Guidance- it was hilarious, a must watch for parents!!

During this chill out time, we got chance to make plans for the summer, and this includes a short break at Butlins! Butlins is one of my favourite companies, and I’m so honoured and delighted to be an Ambassador for them again this year. Butlins have stripped back what the company was all about decades ago, when a lot of people will remember them, and has re-built itself from the ground up. A lot of money has been invested to create the kind of holiday resort where families and friends can all come together and enjoy each other, and a lot of thought has been put into what families want, so everyone can be catered for.

When we go to Butlins this year, I’m making a trip to the spa for some pampering, and my ‘tweenage’ daughter will make use of the kids club activities to get some independence for a couple of hours. There is the funfair where we’ll all go for thrills and plenty of fine dining which we can enjoy. They have created a space where all family members can access what they need individually to make it a good holiday for them whilst making some fond memories together for the future.

It’s nice to have something to look forward to, especially in these cold winter months when I’m hibernating at home in my woolly jumper. I hope we get some sunshine this summer – a cold beer at Butlins in the beer garden whilst the kids play on the climbing frame sounds good to me!

Tagged with: Butlins • • Holiday • • Travel

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